We just wanted to say welcome to our site and thank you for taking your time out to learn more about Overload in Stereo. Our site is still a bit new and there might be some minor adjustments done here and there. However, it shouldn’t be too bad.One thing we ask of you if you do like our music, is to please share it with others. We’re trying to market and promote our content organically. However, that has limitations. The best way you can support us, and our music, is to just simply share it on your social media accounts.To find us on social media:
– Facebook
– Instagram
– SoundcloudAs a group, we are not looking for fame or money – we just want to get our music out and share it with the world. We both believe that there’s too much negativity and that hopefully our music will bring some more positive influence. We both agreed that we will never release a song that promotes any type of despair, isolation, or anything along those lines. There’s already enough of that out in the world.jesse.joshua.1