
Releasing Going Back

Overload in Stereo faced many setbacks when producing and then releasing Going Back. Even with these setbacks both Jesse and Joshua pushed through.  We finally released “Going Back” on November 30th, 2021.

In the beginning…

It all started about a year ago – somewhere between October and November 2020. Joshua had just recently moved back into the Western Pennsylvania area. He had reconnected with Jesse Reynolds about the possibility of collaborating on a new project together.  Thus, the story begins.

Releasing Going Back recording setup original

Due to Covid, Jesse’s work/family life schedule, and Joshua’s work/family life schedule, the need to do things remotely was apparent just for the ability to try and keep things on track. This process, although a bit more time-consuming, proved to be a success with their busy personal/professional lives.

They found that the process would start with Jesse recording a quick acoustic track on his iPhone and would then send that to Joshua. Jesse would then follow it up with his ideas for the song, the flow, as well as the chords and structure. This helped immensely because Joshua was then able to track all of the instruments himself (as long as the guitar parts weren’t too intricate, he’s not the greatest guitarist) and send them back to Jesse for his review. This went on for a while until they had a good solid foundation to begin recording vocals over.

We knew that going into this the vocals would be tough. We didn’t realize that it was going to be as tough as it was. This is where a lot of the original issues started happening. Mostly, these were due to Joshua’s rustiness when it came to recording. It had been about 15 years since he really sat down and recorded a session. Unfortunately, these cost some time, and due to our conflicting schedules that meant that things took longer than anticipated.

On the home stretch

Releasing Going Back - Old studio

Fast forward to June/July of 2021. At this point, It has been a while in the making for Going Back as well as a few other songs. At this point, things are put on hold again due to Joshua moving.

Releasing Going Back - New Studio

Joshua’s move may have set back the timeline again, but it was also a huge bump for the duo. Joshua was able to dedicate an entire space to a studio. The new space, and the addition of a better isolation area for vocals, have helped with the production of the vocals, and the music in general. We are already hearing an increase in the quality of the recordings with the new studio. 

In September of 2021, nearly almost a year after the endeavor began to record Going Back, we were finally able to get good takes on the vocals and with that finish the mix-down process. We chose to send Going Back to another studio for mastering. We did this because we felt it was best to get another set of ears on this song.

Free at last!

Finally, on November 30th, 20201, Going Back was launched on Apple Music and Spotify. The official lyrics video on YouTube was released later that week on December 3, 2021. It was a year in the making, but we made it and we’re going to continue until we no longer can.  We really hope that you enjoy our music and will help us by sharing it with others. Thanks for reading!

Listen to Going Back:

Releasing Going Back - going.back.carousel.artwork

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